19 February, 2025
05:20:35 PM
  • Welcome to TRDS
  • COVID 19 Activities
  • COVID 19 Activities
  • COVID 19 Activities
  • COVID 19 Activities
  • COVID 19 Activities
Donate Us

How your gifts help !!!!
Your support will help to bring lasting change to many of the poor and down-trodden members of the society in lots of ways.  If you would like to make a significant donation please contact our Special Relationships team who would be delighted to talk to you.
Email: tapanandasmailbox@rediffmail.com
Mobile: +91 9933596723 / 9382522920 

Donate By Cheque Or Draft
You can donate any sum on your wish either by cheque or draft in favour of "TAPANANDA RURAL DEVELOPEMENT SOCIETY " which will be souly dedicated for the upliftment of the needful.

Donate By Wire Transfer
Online donations are also acceptable, for which follow the given bank details. Your transaction will be surely in safe hands for which thousands of needy people will be grateful to you.

» Tapananda Rural Development Society

Union Bank of India  A/c.

Account No: 620001010050195

IFSC : UBIN0562009

Branch: Purulia

Tapananda Rural Development Society
The Official website of TRDS

Vill-Kudlung, P.O - Fatepur Sindri, Dist - Purulia, West Bengal, India
Phone No: Phone : +91 993-359-6723
Email: tapanandasmailbox@rediffmail.com
Visitor: 415
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